What is EDUWAREBOX? It helps you design your own educational portals and is an alternative to out-of-the-box solutions which are not that flexible. This is an opportunity for efficient digitization in the publishing industry! Respond to the needs of the education sector at each schooling level. Create knowledge databases and propose interactive forms of teaching.
Discover the forecasts for the educational publishing market
This is the data that underpins the structure of our tool, designed to help accommodate the changes which take place in such a short space of time.
- Market conditions will change in a short-term (5-to-10 year) perspective; the competitive advantage will go to web service providers.
- In the next 3 years, revenue from sales of digital tools will grow by 5% to 25% but the amount of investments in technological development will triple.

What are the problems currently facing the market?
Growing costs, combined with low availability of UX professionals and architects with a profound understanding of cloud and security. This is a major obstacle in planning the innovation cycle for new product lines within a 2-to-3 year perspective.
The absence of proven business models for the monetization of digital solutions, and the dependence on ministerial guidelines for coursebook support.
Addressing the changing needs of teachers in a costly and lengthy process. Difficulties in assessing the forecasts. Problematic tests of new solutions.
Finding solutions that make full use of the technological and innovative potential to prevent a situation where going digital means just moving the existing methods from book pages to computer screens.
We have examined the threats and know the opportunities of the educational sector!
An opportunity exists in a smooth use of technological solutions assisted by tested professional tools. We cooperated with industry experts to prepare a platform as open as possible to solutions delivered by the publisher. The service development modules we propose provide a functional framework for the implementation of strategies employed by educational publishers.
EDUWAREBOX is an engine that empowers you to develop your own services based on industry-specific technological solutions. Ready to use out of the box, EDUWAREBOX components reduce costs and accelerate the launch of educational platforms. We offer digital resources of methods/functions that you can use in your own project.
EDUWAREBOX enables automating the construction of the entire service architecture, taking account of its unique nature. Publishers can easily develop their own interface that complies with the brand’s visual identity. Moreover, one production line can be used to develop multiple services targeted at different audiences. As a consequence, data is collected in a single location and is much easier to analyze. With these capabilities, the publisher can reduce investment and maintenance expenses while preserving the coherence of its own vision.
Respond faster to what the school needs!
The responsibility of EDUWAREBOX utility modules is to:
- publish content,
- protect resources with sophisticated security mechanisms,
- link content to education paths,
- link content to the core curriculum and to the support of changes made at ministry level,
- adapt the resource and task displaying methods to mobile devices without compromising the logic or quality,
- manage complicated resource licensing models,
- collect analytical data in a single location.

Your method matters the most! Develop your ideas with EDUWAREBOX and test them in selected control groups. This tool enables verifying the usefulness of a new educational solution with several proposed user interfaces. Comprehensive microservices also allow to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of previously implemented methods.
Together, we will check the number of steps the teacher must take to get his/her tasks done. We will also assess the proposed mechanisms in terms of student engagement—all of this based on state-of-the-art practices of content and service delivery.
EDUWAREBOX meets the digital needs of educational publishers and takes care of all tools that will allow the methodology to be developed on a continuous basis.